Thursday, November 13, 2014

James bitches about Praelia, part 2

  • Jesse Tabor Is there a link, I'm interested too in what they are saying.
  • Branden Andstuff I left over a year ago when I got tired of the insults- so no idea what it is like now, but here ya go:
    148 Members
    Eric Breitenbach's photo.
  • Jesse Tabor When they do come out and everyone acts nice, that throws me off, so i think everything is cool...
  • David Alexander Cardamone I'm confused to why everyone thinks Meleeworld will change Melee, when Meleeworld is Melee. Look at the cycles of change. The 3rd cycle of change in Melee was the 30th year anniversary last year, 2013. Would some guys who want to be hit 100 times to die with boffer swords say, "We dont want Melee to change to linear weapons and 3 points/body death honor system, we want it to stay the way it is". Now I know it isn't so extreme like that, but, lets keep an open mind and be open to others and accepting and not hating of others.
  • David Alexander Cardamone Im not trying to argue, or that 'my opinion is better than your' stuff. Screw that. Im just saying that we should be more open-minded about accepting others in Melee and how they want to play it. Does changing my garb and weapons change melee? To what extent? Will assimilating Meleeworld and their rpg games on tabletop and battlefield change melee? Not really. Its all melee. Even if you were to do more scenario-style battles where you play yr persona, saying what you want to say, you're still gonna do some hard-hitting stick-jock fighting to develop the stories that unfolds.
  • Branden Andstuff Acceptance is a two-way street. I can tell you sincerely that I made a best effort- and still was subjected/witness to all kinds of bile directed at us... You know, because their way is right and ours is wrong. You want to go play in a bowling league, or an established rpg campaign, you don't walk in and demand that everything change to suit you. You join in- and make suggestions to improve things as you go. Like a participant interested in everybody having a good time.
  • David Alexander Cardamone hm.. I have no idea of this bile you are talking about. Perhaps you could show me examples. I looked at the Meleeworld site and I dont see anything.
  • Branden Andstuff I left the site over a year ago. But you know I don't get offended easily. I'm not interested in dredging it all up anyway. I hope one day folks can let all of go for the good of our game, but it may just take that generation retiring before the old grudges finally stop poisoning the well.
  • David Alexander Cardamone ah. Well I dont know whats going on but ah, well, in this position, I am with both sides, meaning I want both Melee and Meleeworld to assimilate in a good way and I do show interest in what the New Third Cycle of Melee is going to be. Of course, you guys are happy with Melee the way it is. Yeah, it's good, it's great. I love it. I just ah, have an open mind and I do not mind trying other experiences. I love more scenarios and monsters/magic although some others may not like it, but that's just me. I always thought if someone was so obsessed with historical accuracy they'd just play SCA since the weapons have more historical accuracy. I mean, were' fighting with foam here, it's really roleplay, but thats just my opinion. If anyone thinks otherwise that's great that's their prerogative. What I am getting at here is that for the Third Cycle of Melee if there is any change, it's gonna be good, not bad, if we make it so. Just like the 1st Melee gone into the 2nd Melee cycle with better weapons and armor/garb/rules/honor system of hit points. When I saw Meleeworld RPG trying to assimilate into Melee, I theorized and made conjectures that it was gonna be a healthy part of the Third Cycle of Melee.
  • David Alexander Cardamone Grudges, and Nerd Rage, to me, aren't really personal with the Nerd games of Melee or rpg or LARP or whatever it is that they are doing, but venting out the Nerd frustrations with a non-nerd world outside of melee/nerd thing. Once they recognize that, they realize that they need to manage their energies and venting/channeling energies in the right outlets and make the right choices. For example, a businessman trying to relax playing golf but keeps missing his par and is getting too many strokes and is getting all upset, breaking his golf clubs, cussing, etc.. Its all a part of life and basically it's about managing energies and being calm and cool as possible like Spock.
    32 mins · Like · 1
  • Branden Andstuff It still can be. I hold out hope- but it takes folks willing to compromise. Until folks start seeing Melee as the team instead of KOP, or Broknarra, or Kroninburg.... Until snarky "we did it better (despite the fact that out group tanked) than you guys." comments stop, this will just be the way of things. If anybody REALLY wanted to improve Melee, all they have to do is show up and pitch in.
  • David Alexander Cardamone exactly, that is what I'm going for. I play the Meleeworld game and as a Melee player I am hoping for more scenarios and more interactive gaming in a battlefield where I feel personalized. Let me guess, is a Faction Battle most people's favorite battle? Its because it's personalized and has identity. When everyone fights for their faction, they are fighting for Identity/personification and fighting within a story, an outcome, and satisfaction is felt. Surely when everyone feels their personalities and identities having conflicts in a story within a scenario and they fight to win their outcomes a lot of satisfaction is going to be had. Perhaps Meleeworld didn't go about it the right way, and for me I shall make no effort to hide that Ive always gone about things the wrong way and have caused drama-storms. It is true that Meleeworld has a whole decade of history, so does Melee (has a bigger history), and those strengths need to be united for the Third Melee Cycle. Now, I am speaking my mind and ah, am speaking as a Meleeworld player, but I am not an official representative of Meleeworld I am just a friend and trying to make some peace and hoping for some good collaborative unity to play some good games that is all.
    24 mins · Edited · Like · 1
  • Branden Andstuff I like where your head is at, David.
  • David Alexander Cardamone Thanks. Im trying, from experience to live the best life possible and to keep calm and cool in dealing with the conflicts that life offers. "living the best life" possible may seem self-serving, but part of living the best life possible also means finding a role that is satisfactory in life. I mean, Im not a doctor where I could save someone, I guess I have an art education. So, in that regard, perhaps I can make art that could improve life, or to open people's eyes/perceptions to make them aware, of somethings that cookie-cutter mainstream media doesn't tell them. As Bruce Lee says: "The meaning of life is: It is meant to be lived".

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